31 August 2006

Initial blog assignment

Think of this as being one of those blogging memes, where one blogger "tags" another blogger with a set of questions (sometimes profound, sometimes ridiculous), and the recipient of the tag is then expected to write a post on their own blog addressing the given questions. Thus everyone in the class (including me) is now "tagged" and should write up the answers on their own blog (which we'll set up in class today). Feel free to answer these either in a single, longer post, or a set of smaller posts. (Using smaller posts may be better strategy since you can then break the task up into more managable pieces that you can sneak in between other bits.)

So, the questions:
  • Why did you sign up for a roots music FYS section? (It's totally OK if the answer is something like "I didn't really want to, but everything else was full.".)
  • If you could take 5 pieces of music with you to a desert isle, what would they be? (The definition of "piece of music" here is always tricky. Think "song", but I'll let you get away with a more extended piece like a symphony. A 4 CD compilation of 70's punk just isn't going to count as a single piece of music, though, no matter how cool it might be.)
  • What's a piece of music you associate with a parent, grandparent, or someone you know well that's at least a generation older than you. (I'm particularly interested in people like grandparents that are two or more generations older than you, but I realize that not everyone is going to have an association for that.)
  • If we all decided to replace the national anthem with a new song, and everyone agreed that you got to choose, what would you recommend?
  • What kinds of music related performance stuff (if any) do you do? I interpret this pretty broadly so it can be playing one or more instruments, singing, dance, DJing (dance or radio), etc. (It's totally OK if the answer is "None".)
  • Given the readings and what (little) you know about Governor Blanco, if you had a chance to ask her one question, what would it be?
This is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, 5 Sep 2006. Given the many distractions of the long weekend, I'd recommend doing it right away.


Culture Jammer said...

Christina Newman's blog:

Jacknife said...

Jeff Baustian's blog:

Hockey44 said...

Andrew Simonson's blog:
