29 November 2006

Keep your thinking caps on at Jamboree tomorrow

Remember that everyone should spend some time tomorrow going through Jamboree checking out everyone else's stuff. Just as you want people to come by and check out the work you've done, you need to give them the same courtesy. You might want to take some notes, as I'd like to discuss Jamboree some when we meet again next Tuesday. Questions might include:
  • What was the general participation like? Did people interact much? What kinds of interactions did they have? Were those interactions mostly superficial, or have some thoughtful content?
  • What did the whole set of booths say about human diversity (ostensibly the theme of FYS)?
  • What were some booths that you thought were particularly successful in raising important issues or conveying important ideas?
  • To what degree does Jamboree (in conjunction with the opening convocation and the common theme) succeed (or not) in generating some sort of "common experience" for first year students?
  • What were the strengths and weaknesses of Jamboree as social event? As a piece of academic programming?
Have fun!

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