24 August 2006

Something to unpack this semester

I really liked what Chancellor Johnson had to say at the welcome event today about unpacking and repacking ideas, and one thing that we'll definitely have to unpack this semester is how we think about recording production and quality. We're all surrounded by highly polished music, and anyone with a computer can generate fairly slick tunes. During the semester, however, we're going to listen to a lot of old recordings made on early recording equipment that's incredibly limited by today's standards.

The challenge, then, is to push through all the scratch, hiss, and distortion and re-imagine what it might have been like to have experienced that music live, and how the people who made it and loved it might have felt. Or, to unpack our experience of the music, try to separate at least some of the baggage and expectations we bring to it, and take it for what it is and not for what we expect it to be.


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