21 September 2006

We can leave the classroom for your performances

Many people have been posting about their performances as requested (thanks!), and it's been fun to see what sorts of ideas people have had. One question that's come up is whether we can leave the classroom for the performance, and the answer is absolutely yes. Each year we almost always make one trip to HFA to use the pianos in the practice rooms (we had a cool duet of "Frankie and Johnny" a while back, complete with plastic egg shaker percussion), and one year we went to the dance space in HFA for a solo dance performance. So be creative and think outside the box of Sci 3665!

Also, many people have talked in vague terms of how they would perform (I'll play this instrument, etc.), but very few people have said anything about what they'll perform. I realize that when faced this this assignment there's a natural tendency to focus on "What skill/instrument/etc. am I least likely to embarrass myself with", but I really want you to think seriously about a specific piece of roots music, which requires that you think of a song to perform as well.

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